Golden Hands

At some point in time we all need to ask these important questions:

“Why am I acting the way I do?”, “Why is this happening to me?”, “Why do I keep having the same problems?”, “Why am I so frustrated?”, “Why do I struggle to say no to people?” etc.

These difficult but crucial questions bring us closer to a better appreciation and understanding of ourselves and others.

This analysis will present to you the needed answers in order for you to receive a deeper understanding of who you are and why you were created (destined to be)!

Life Coaching & Treatments

Life happens. Sometimes we all need help, guidance and a new perspective on situations, life events and a better perspective on who we are.

The aim of these coaching sessions and treatments are to discover yourself again and bring balance to your life.

Hashem Gift

Receive the meaning and significance of your name with a prophetic artwork that’s uniquely yours. Beautifully demonstrating the anointing and blessing that your name holds.