Melody of His heart focuses on the spiritual growth and healing of the whole person: body, soul, and spirit.

Life is a classroom. From the moment you entered at birth, you embarked on a journey – a journey to explore, discover, and understand Your Creator, yourself and the world around you.

Melody of His heart aims to help people to examine themselves in a new way (true character and purpose), not just on the surface, not just as they appear to be to others (personality). By looking at our inborn desires, our underlying needs, our spiritual gifts, our identity, our true character, and our repressed emotions, our eyes will be opened, and we will obtain, perhaps for the first time, some insight about who we really are and why we are here.

There is no instant rescue remedy to transform us into perfect beings but as we look at ourselves as God (YHVH) created us to be and come before His Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) in honesty, we will receive the needed restoration power.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life.” Proverbs 11:30


  • Have you tried so hard to be all things to all people without really knowing who you really are?
  • Do you know which parts of your personality and character are genuine or which might only be responses to the circumstances around you?
  • Do you want to break the negative chains that have been passed down in your family from one generation to the next?
  • Do you want to learn more about your heavenly heritage and purpose in life?


The question is “Who are you?”


Join us on this healing journey and find out…….

Roxzaan gives weekly online Teachings to her loyal ministry members – consisting of:

  • Teachings (Week 1 & 3) – children teachings also included and written by involved parent members.
  • Family table (Week 2) – assisting family communion and ideas that can be shared.
  • Message and practical (Week 4) – guided introspection ideas.

Roxzaan and her family travels all over the country for the purpose of assisting people with workshops, camps regarding the Golden Hands prophetic analysis etc.

Roxzaan is also the Author of a three-book series called – Afgesonder vir Sy Liefde – Vol 1

Wapenrusting van ‘n Priester – Vol 2

Tien Beproewings toetse – Vol 3.


She has also written and compiled the following pdf books – available in Melody of his heart online shop:

  • The Times – 12 biblical months and its symbolic meaning.
  • The 12 Healing oils of the Bible (Essential Oil range)
  • Counting the Omer – 49 Daily Devotionals for self-refinement
  • Ten Commandments explained – a definition guide for the ‘Ten days of awe’.


She is also the creator of three Analysis courses designed to equip people in finding their purpose in life:

  • Golden Hands Analysis (consisting of 7 modules)
  • My inner child journal (30-day online course)
  • Health Analysis – online questionnaire – testing and explaining the emotional connotation of your specific illnesses.