Why this analysis?

Because we all need to understand our created purpose in order to fulfil our destiny. At some point in time we all need to ask these important questions, “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “Why do I keep having the same problems?” “Why am I so frustrated?” “Why do I struggle to say no to people?” These difficult but crucial questions, brings us closer to a better appreciation and understanding of ourselves and others. If these questions go unanswered, we become stuck in a continuous cycle, repeating the past over and over again. In order for us to understand our purpose (calling, election, purpose) we need answers to be able to comprehend the purpose of our being here. My hope is this; that this analysis will present to you the needed answers in order for you to receive a deeper understanding on who you are and why you were created (destined to be).


For me personally the most important opinion of all:  We read in the gospel of Tomas (Apocryphal/Apokriewe) (Pg 529) Yahushua (Yeshua) said “Everyone that discovers the meaning of these words, will never die.”  “Everyone that seeks must keep on seeking, until they find what they where seeking. When they find what they are seeking for, they will be unsettled.  and when they are unsettled, they will also be surprised, and then only they will rule.” “The Kingdom is within you and outside of you. if you know yourself (Name, Character, Anointing, Favour and Identity) you will be known, and you will realize you are children of the living God.  But if you do not know (understand) yourself, you will live in poverty, yes you yourself will be the poverty.”

Until you know yourself, your own strengths and weaknesses, you cannot succeed emotionally or spiritually. Self-awareness is the ability to think about yourself and your relationship with the world around you. In his book Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman describes it as “an ongoing attention to one’s internal states.” It’s the ability to see how your emotions (heart) and perceptions (mind) are influencing your thinking and behaviour. This is important because, all things being equal, more people are undone by behavioural issues than by anything else. Our behaviour is a reflection of our thoughts. Yet very few people stop and think about what they think, how they think, why they do what they do, who they are and hence why they are here .

Your Name, Character, Birth Month, Gifts of Favour and Identity = (DNA) reveals God’s purpose and destiny for your life. You have been released into the earthly realm with a clear and definitive purpose. We are all ordained ambassadors serving God’s (YHVH’s) Kingdom. Our responsibility is to recognize and develop our given Character and Gifts and bring them to maturity. This analysis will enable you to do just that.

In order to understand and be obedient to your Creators calling and design for your life, you have received a unique Character and the necessary instructions and abilities (Name, Anointing, Gifts and Identity) needed to achieve this purpose – and it is all engraved in the palm of God’s hands.

(Psalm 139:1) O YAHVAH! Thou hast searched me and observed: 2) Thou hast observed my down-sitting and my uprising. Thou hast given heed to my desire from afar: 3) My path and my couch hast Thou examined, and all my ways Thou well knowest. 4) Surely there hath not been a word on my tongue, but behold! O YAHVAH, Thou hast observed it on every side. 5) Behind and before hast Thou shut me in, and hast laid upon me Thy hand:  6) Knowledge too wonderful for me! High I cannot attain to it! 7) Whither can I go from Thy spirit? Or wither from Thy face can I flee?  8) If I ascend the heavens, there Thou art! If I spread out hades as my couch, behold Thee! 9) If I mount the wings of the dawn, settle down in the region beyond the sea,  10) Even there Thy hand shall lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me, 11) I f I say, surely darkness shall cover me! Then night is light about me. 12) Even darkness will not conceal from Thee, but night like day will shine, so is the darkness as the light 13) For Thou didst posses Thyself of my reins, Thou didst weave me together in the womb of my mother. 14) I thank Thee, in that fearfully was my being distinguished, wonderful are Thy works, and mine own soul is observing them intently!  15) My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was skilfully figured in the lower parts of the earth. 16) Mine unfinished substance, Thine eyes beheld, and in thy book all the parts thereof were written, the days they should be fashioned! While yet there was not one among them. 17) To me then how precious have Thy desires become, O El! How numerous the heads of them! 18) I would recount them! Beyond the sands, they multiply, I rouse myself and am still with Thee.  19) Wilt Thou not O Eloah, slay the lawless one? Therefore, ye men of bloodshed, depart from me! 20) For they speak of Thee wickedly, Thy foes lift up their hand unto falsehood.  21) Do I not hate them who hate Thee O YAHVAH? And loathe them who rise up against Thee? 22) With completeness of hatred, I hate them, as enemies, have they come to me.  23) search me, O El, and observe my heart, try me and observe my cares; 24) And see if there be any idol-way in me, and lead me in a way age- abiding.


The complete Golden Hands Analysis consists of 7 Modules all together. This leaves you with the option of either building your own analysis by choosing only the Modules that you would like to do or you have the choice of doing the complete Golden Hands analysis consisting of all 7 modules.


The origin and power of names. Description of your Name, promise and character your name holds, scripture received, Hebrew letter interpretation and meaning.

Two names (additional R100) – R600 (pp)

+ Spiritual (Biblical Name + explanation (prophetic) – R700 (pp)


Temperament analysis, Disc profile, Biblical character tree and personification, true root, weak and strong points.


Placement of Birth Month according to the original Hebrew Calendar, tribe blessing, Mazal meaning, Hebrew letter and its symbolic anointing and biblical anointing oil.


Discussion on the 2 strongest gifts received, reference to covenant colour, birthright blessing, behavioral characteristics, number meaning, Name of YHVH, temple furniture, curse and blessing, letter, priestly armour and symbolic feast, etc.


Fingerprint scanning per imprint, placement and meaning of each separate finger (DNA).




Summary and personalized letter received from Spirit regarding who you are. Received through prophetic insight, stiltation and prayer.


Payment options for complete analysis:

Once of payment: R3500

Two payments: R1750 (x2)

Four payments; R875 (x 4)

(pdf will only be sent when full payment has been received.)

Build your own Workshop with a Group
This Option (building your own group) is most popular under:
Bible study group/Cell groups/Couples/Friends/Teachers/Principles/Private enterprises/Business groups and Family circles etc.

Our premises can accommodate up to +- 5 people (available for small groups).
Workshops led by Roxzaan can be hosted in the privacy of your own home/office etc.
Further travelling cost will be included should the event be ‘out-of-town’.
The Workshops consists of: (not applicable for private options)
✓ More than one Option can collectively be included into one workshop
✓ Groups (preferably between 2 tot 20 people)Group Workshop: (Family discount)
✓ Origin and Background information
✓ Motivational Witnessing
✓ Teaching on Option Theme applicable
✓ Needed questionnaires for analysis
✓ Refreshments
✓ Products (gifts)
✓ Opportunity for questions and answers

Module 1: The Meaning Your Name Holds

You will receive: (Private and Workshop option)
▪ Introduction and in depth information on the Name of God (His Spirit and Word)
▪ The origin of your birth name
▪ The meaning of your name
▪ Scripture associated with your name
▪ The promise (anointing) accompanied with your name
▪ The Hebrew symbolism, letters and meaning of your name
▪ What is your spiritual name? (separate option available)
“I have called you on your name, you are mine”
Isaiah 43:1

Module 2: Style and purpose of your Temperament and Character tree of the Bible

You will receive : (Private and Group workshop)
▪ Understanding yourself, is understanding your Temperament
▪ Disc analysis
▪ Strengths and weaknesses
▪ The value of your Temperament
▪ Mindset of your Temperament
▪ Summary of the four Temperament styles
▪ In depth information on the difference between Personality and Character
▪ Biblical background
▪ Root system description
▪ Purpose of you Character tree
▪ Description and summary
Group workshop involves: (2-20 people / the following will not be included in the private option)
▪ Introduction and witnessing
▪ Complete character analysis questionnaire x2
▪ Time for questions and answers
▪ Refreshments
▪ Gift

Module 3: Symbolic meaning and anointing of your Birth Month

Introduction – The times explained
▪ Time to become mindful of the divine rhythm of our Creators Calendar (this is not astrology)
▪ Purpose and history of your Birth Month
▪ Background information of biblical events of your Birth Month
▪ Summary and anointing explained
▪ Introduction on the biblical oils
▪ Your personal month oil explained (incense offering)
Group Workshop involves: (2 -20 people/ excluded in Private option)
▪ Introduction and background information on the Months of the Bible
▪ Roxzaan’s personal witnessing on the subject
▪ Summary of the 12 Months and their spiritual connotation –’for every thing under the sun has its time’.
▪ Gift: Month oil

Module 4: Special Gifts of Favour (DNA)

You will receive: (Private and Group workshop)
▪ Interpretation and in depth explanation of your two strongest Gifts of favour
▪ The Development of your gifts
▪ The DNA abilities received
▪ The Gift explained – Birthright/DNA encoding/Behavioural Characteristics/Biblical blessings and curse associated /function in Ministry/Pillar of Wisdom etc.
▪Group workshop involves: (2 -20 people/ not included in private option)
▪ Introduction and background information on the origin of the Gifts of Favour (also known as the Redemption gifts).
▪ Witnessing
▪ Two complete in depth analysis questionnaires
▪ Time for questions and answers
▪ Refreshments
▪ Gift

Module 5: What your fingerprints reveal about your Identity and Will power

You will receive: (Private and Group workshop)
▪ Introduction on the origin and importance of Identity and will power
▪ The origin of finger print analysis
▪ The role the hands played in the Bible
▪ The symbolic meaning of each finger (please do not confuse this with palm reading, all information is based on biblical foundations. This is the same method used in Criminology investigations – the information gathered by method of finger print scanning in order to analyse the person’s type of identity (characteristics).
▪ Your different types of finger print explained
▪ Your personal finger print groupings
▪ Individual explanation on each finger print and biblical characters associated with this type of identity (traits).
Group Workshop involves: (2 -20 people/ following not included in the private option)
▪ Introduction and background information on the purpose of understanding your own identity
▪ Witnessing
▪ Finger print scanning and identifying
▪ Time for questions and answers
▪ Refreshments

Module 6: Face Analysis


7: Prophetic Letter

You will receive:
Prophetic letter from the Fathers heart

Complete Golden Hand Analysis

▪ Complete analysis – Option1 to 7:
You will receive:
▪ Option 1 – The meaning your Name holds
▪ Option 2 – Style and purpose of your Temperament and Character tree of the Bible
▪ Option 3 – Symbolic meaning and anointing of your Birth Month
▪ Option 4 – Special Gift of Favour (DNA)
▪ Option 5 – What your finger prints reveal about your Identity and Will power
▪ Option 6 – Face Analysis (COMING SOON)

▪ Option 7 – Summary and Prophetic word (letter)


Group workshop (+-5 hours) (Analysis will be received +- 3 weeks after Worksop).
▪ Introduction and background information on the origin of this Golden Hands course (Roxzaan’s se personal witnessing)
▪ Questioners for each individual section
▪ Time for questions and answers
▪ Refreshments
▪ Oil/CD

For more information please contact us: